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Ethics pertains to the study of right and wrong. Various ideologies hold different ethical perspectives. However, to decide ethics, human reason, thought, and experience cannot be entirely relied upon. The perspectives of what is right and what is wrong should be developed not by the standards of human rational definitions but ought to be grounded in divine observation, which includes both the universe and mankind. Therefore, it is crucial to critically evaluate and study the concepts that have become widespread around the world in the fields of morality and ethics.
In Islam, a discussion cannot exist without morality. Scholars hold the opinion that Islam is perfectly moral. Since the prophetic era, discussions regarding ethics have been prevalent, and prophethood's objective is the fulfilment of مكارم الأخلاق (excellent character qualities).
There is an inextricable link between the branches of knowledge of Islamic Shariah and ethics, and it is evident in the domains of Usulul Fiqh, Aqeedah, and Fiqh. In light of these, one needs to read such concepts by taking into account the society of the modern era.
The purpose of the Academic Conference is to support students' moral reasoning by highlighting the flaws and absurdities of non-Islamic moral theories and establishing the superiority of Islamic ethics in both this life and the hereafter. Furthermore, this conference aims to give a broad academic discussion on contemporary ethical challenges and answers based on Islamic ethics, as well as an understanding of Islamic ethics from the source texts of Islam.







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